Thursday, March 25, 2010

It Strikes Me Funny: Community Theater must be a hoot

I mentioned my older sister’s latest hobby or interest in abstract oils in a recent post.

While looking at photos of her paintings I came across several related to costumes used in a just-finished community theater production in Gravenhurst.

The costumes were delightful and one made me laugh out loud.

Some might think, what a lovely candle.

But is the boy thinking, please, oh please, don’t let any of my high school buddies be in the audience?


It’s okay, pal. I’m sure nobody from “Gravenhurst, Ontario” is checking out my blog to see photos from a “recent community theater production” based on a “Walt Disney film” entitled “Fantasia” and your cheery smile.

Well... pretty sure.



Liz said...

On your way home from Fenelon Falls this summer, you should make a little detour and check out the 4th Line Theatre in Millbrook (a little southwest of Ptbo). Really good outdoor theatre.

G. Harrison said...

Hi Liz,

I located Millbrook on my road map easily. I'll be passing thru Bethany, Cavan, etc., on my way to Halifax in June. A slight detour sounds like it could be in order.
