I only needed to put a second coat on a birdhouse triplex, put a few tools away, burn a few wood scraps and grab the broom.
One hour's easy work - tops.
But while puttering I thought, a new lathe is coming, I should rearrange a shelf and spare work bench, take a bit of wood out to the annex, stain that work bench...
Sure, the clean up is long overdo. Dust settles everywhere.
I'll be done by Thursday.
Is there a spring clean-up gene?
Also, I'll tidy up, the lathe will arrive, and I'll just mess the place up again turning four bits of wood into bowls.
Sounds like you're having a Venus day. That's the kind of thing women do - I often set out just to clear off the kitchen counters and then suddenly the cupboards are being emptied and wiped out too.
Is thursday lathe-day? Are you excited?
Hi Jessica,
I'm waiting for the call, later in the month I think. But I am excited. And motivated to give the shop a good tidy-up. Deeper shelves are a must, so off we go.
I heard this a.m. on CBC radio that Waterloo banned chicken coops but "other cities, e.g. London. still allow them."
I'll call City Hall, however, and speak with the mayor. More details needed.
Was a reason given for banning chicken coops in Waterloo?
Hi Jessica,
No reason given. I can imagine a few, however.
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