No. I also took a few pictures of my oldest sister’s ever-growing collection of birdhouses in her yard and spare room.
Lannie’s five-plex inspired me to build my own. It should be done by the weekend.
This one hangs in her spare room. It’s made from scrap metal and thin slices of scrap wood. Very resourceful.
On a small shelf I spotted a few wee houses. Ideas for birdhouses are percolating inside my little round head as we speak.
After I change into my workshop clothes I’ll nail the pieces of my old country church together. Maybe I’ll land a chickadee.
(Half-related: Thoughts of Saturday morning’s big breakfast at Kutz kept me on the exercise bike for 90 minutes last night. Ran another 2.6 miles on the treadmill too. I almost finished reading The Upside of Down (while riding) and completed Ch. 1 of Land of the Eagle. Both are excellent).
Pop quiz: The author of The Upside of Down has a new book out called....?
I love the linked birdhouses! Maybe I'll be lucky and find something like this at a Farmer's Market this summer.
Hi Joycee,
Thanks again for your visit.
My own five-plex - all clean scrap lumber - is now nailed together, and is awaiting a few coats of paint.
I just read your post re the eagles in your area.
Numbers aren't very high in our area, as in yours.
You said...If you want to see a bald eagle you have to be patient.
I couldn't agree more. There was a newspaper article yesterday about a pair in our area, and I think I know exactly where they are - thanks to a short pit stop while riding my motorcycle last year just a few miles from London, ONT (2 hr. NE of Detroit).
I'll return to the secret spot once my bike is out of storage.
Keep well in the Ozarks.
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