Tea with honey and a post or two will hopefully wake up my mind and body.
I love my two sisters dearly but immediately after my wife and I landed in Bracebridge on Friday afternoon a whirlwind of activity began.
Conversation, updates on projects, big meals, dancing at the Legion Hall, more conversation, card games, leisurely trips on the back roads of Muskoka (through tiny villages time had forgot), haggling over the price of boards at lumber yards and more big meals.
[Checking my cards: "How could I lose that hand?"
In two days I added 10 pounds to my waist but dropped a few from my wallet.
All worth it, however, now that I’m home and have a quiet minute to myself. (Pat is walking Ollie over to The Big Scoop for ice cream. Though sorely tempted I said ‘tea for me.’)
Best deals of the weekend - paid $4 at a church sale for Land Of The Eagle: A natural history of North America (hours of good reading, for sure), and $5 for a trunk load of lumber (including one or two pure gems).
Consequences of hard living - had to stay up way past my bedtime last night to finish my column, had to get up early this morning to stain lumber for the back wall of the house, will have to ride and run hard for the next two evenings so I don’t skate like a slug during Wednesday’s hockey game.
Rewards - laughing with my sisters and their husbands, slow dancing with my wife at the Legion, almost won a card game.
But now, I can hardly move.
More tea, please.
Sounds as if you had a wonderful weekend GH, and congrats on finding a book you like for 4 bucks!
I would have paid five!
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