I know, it’s a lot to pay for Levis at Value Village but they fit like a glove.
["Two legs work for me": photo GAH]
Though you may recall that one of my Green Ideas for 2009 was NOT to buy clothes until Jan. 1, 2010, I said no NEW clothes. [see Green Ideas 2009, right hand margin]
Other things I liked about the used Levis besides the price and fit:
- they were new to me (sometimes I’m tempted to buy back my own stuff. You been there, done that?)
- they were 34 W 30 L which can be long on me at times but this time they weren’t (Does anybody make 29 L anymore?)
- the colour was scuffed and I like scuffed
- wear marks where I usually have wear marks
- two legs and a sturdy zipper (Trust me. This is important stuff to a guy who only shops a half dozen times per year.)
So, I’m now set for clothes for the year (though I’m sensing trouble ahead in the socks and unmentionables dept.)
Two legs works for me. Would you buy used Levis?
29L vs 20L! We women have to worry about other measurements like do they fit around the thighs or do they squeeze the life out of you; or, if they fit in the hips, the waist stands up out like a flag!
I would TOTALLY buy used Levis if I could find some that really fit!
Sorry, I meant 30L GH.
Sure I'd buy used.
The title of this post really got me! I'm so glad that your pants have legs!
You did say originally that socks and unmentionables were allowed.
I wish it was as easy to buy clothes in the right sizes for women. Here in Canada, I'm a different size in different shops!
Hi Jane and bobbie,
My wife had something to say about how easy I have it; the first pair of 'regular' Levis I found fit me perfectly but she had to try on several pairs and still wasn't happy with how any fit or looked.
And I have the male 'good enough' gene. The used jeans are good enough for my usual routine; coffee, computer, workshop, sawdust, etc.
Plus, they had the right number of legs.
Hi Jessica,
I'll have to look up my old column pr posts; I'm labouring under the impression that nothing new can be purchased this year. I may have to learn to darn socks over a hard-boiled egg.
I recently learned how to darn socks, and it's fun! Peaceful and with a great sense of achievement afterwards. I found some excellent help on youtube. I used a gimmicky metal mushroom kitchen gadget thingy I found in a drawer which has at last come in handy. However, that's when I discovered that I need bifocals...
ah yes, the bifocals.
Jessica, not only do I have one eye weaker than the other left to right but, after years with bifocals, a sense that i have problems up and down. On the ice my team mates have great laughs when the puck is between my feet. I hit everything but rubber.
Good luck with the price too!!
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