My wife hopes so. She’d like me to pay down our line of credit.
Backgrounder to my latest song: “So, what do you give a girl at Christmas... especially a girl who already has everything? I mean, my wife already gets the house, car, life insurance, my pension, RRSPs and hockey card collection when I die. Oh yeah, and my workshop and all my tools. So, what else can I give her?”
A brilliant song, maybe?
Verse 1 opens with...
You are the best of my friends.
Life can be a long, lonely road,
easier when you share the load,
and I’m walking with you.
Click here to sing along.
Have you written a hit single? I’d like to hear or see it.
That's a delightful song Mr H.
And no, I haven't written any songs or poems. But I do knit socks to bring out my inner muse ...
What a coincidence, Jessica. I just finished musing about my darn socks (today's post). The photo proves I can't sew a straight line.
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