Darning socks with a needle sounds like a simple enough task though, right?
People have likely darned for years, written books about it (at least one article in a science journal for beginners - so no one would get seriously injured), and kept the same pair of favourite socks around for more than a decade.
But not in this house. That is, until last night.
Needle and brown thread in hand (I was out of brown darn), I closed a couple of small holes before they got to the point where I’d say, “Chuck ‘em.”
So, for the first time in my life, I've repaired a pair of socks.
And nobody got hurt.
How long will a pair of socks last? Until this year I never thought about it.
This has nothing to do with socks but I thought about you yesterday.
Driving to work there was a van on the side of the road selling strawberries from California.
If I was eating fruit I would have bought a flat. They looked really really pretty & tasty!
Hi Twinkelydots,
I hear that California is having water issues, and may go to mandatory measures. Their strawberries may not get this far in the future.
Do you ever go through mandatory water restrictions?
Keep well,
Since Reno is right next door to Cal we have crazy intense water restrictions.
We can only water 2x a week and even that is only for an hour a day. No watering between 11 am & 5 pm.
Gardens can be watered every day.
Fortunately they haven't put a gallon # restriction.
We pay for water at home but at the store we're on a shared water meter & the land lord pays.
But you need a wooden darning egg to do the job properly. Mom had one. I can't find it. Wish I had it. Can't find plain cotton socks without elastic tops anywhere. I'm allergic to elastic and am running out of socks. Darning without an egg is really hard.
Twinkelydots, thank you for the information re water restrictions. we have one or two that are similar when things get really hot up here, but I wouldn't be surprised if Canadians are the worst when it comes to conservation.
When I wrote about taking 3 minute showers 2 years ago I got laughed out of the dressing room by a few hockey players, but this year a few guys still remembered and hurried up a bit. Might have been because they hurry to get a good seat at the upstairs bar after the game.
Hi bobbie,
I actually have a wooden egg, a shaker musical instrument. Brown yarn is next on my list.
Perhaps I'll have better results on my next pair.
Hi Bobbie, my mother in law found a nice round rock in the garden that she's used for decades. I use a kitchen gadget that's mushroom shaped - supposed to mash garlic and remove remove nasty smells from your fingers - it's perfect for darning socks.
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