Friend Don and I met for coffee recently.
I said, “Good to see you. Where’s the barn board you promised? Hurry.”
The heck with a long greeting, eh? I couldn’t wait to see the sample he brought from a landfill site (affectionately known as the dump) near his hometown.
He reached under the table and pulled out a 16 inch long piece from an 18 inch wide plank.
I knew it was a century old, at least, because of the square head nails snagged in his shirt.
“When can we go for more?” I said.
“Ummm, Wednesday morning at ni...”
“Brilliant. Drink your coffee.”
You ask, why get excited about century-old barn board?
Let me count the ways! Stay tuned.
do you have your lathe yet?
Can anyone visit this dump of Don's?
Hi Jessica,
I'm still waiting for the call from Busy Bee re lathe; I think they said the 28th.
I'll ask Don re access to landfill site; he's a resident of Dorchester and visits it often, and I only go with him.
I pulled nails for two hours today; barn board is pretty rustic and should make some good houses.
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