And this time it was old Reform Party politics.
This week Baird said, “There’s no alternative to a growing economy and the one thing that kills a growing economy is tax increases.” [The London Free Press]
There, in a nutshell (nutshell being the operative word), is the political and economic agenda that will eventually be the end of us all. Constant economic growth, unfair tax structure.
You really must read The Upside of Down by T. Homer-Dixon (see read This, right margin), in which THD writes:
“The longer a system is 'locked in' to its growth phase the greater its vulnerability and the bigger and more dramatic its collapse will be.”
“If the growth phase goes on for too long, deep collapse - something like synchronous failure (i.e. a lot of toilets flushing at the same time) eventually occurs.” [pg. 253]
Wouldn’t a budget surplus, even from a fair tax system, come in handy then?
Remember. I’m no political pundit. All I have is a point of view. Do you?
"A lot of toilets flushing at the same time." How apt!
hi theresa,
it's interesting what comes to mind at times, esp. when thinking re our current gov't.
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