[See post below or click here].
I thought I’d use them less often, make some projects by hand, and make a huge name for myself with a line of rustic birdhouses from my workshop.
After fluffing my pillow I rolled over to see if my wife was awake so I could tell her about my idea.
A red light turned on inside my little round and sleepy head.
I remembered she stopped listening to most of my wacky ideas over 30 years ago.
A while ago, in a moment of weakness or clarity or both (I don’t know how she thinks), she told me 1974 had been a turnaround year in her life.
1974 was the year she’d listen to yet another new idea for about 15 seconds, file it under ‘Hey, Another One’ and go back to what she was doing before I interrupted.
For over three decades I thought the look of peace that came over her face during many of our conversations was the result of a mutual love and respect that would carry us through all the highs and lows of married life (38 years of apparent bliss so far).
How wrong I’d been.
So, though she appeared to be sleeping, I gently rocked her shoulder and said, “Have you ever tasted squirrel stew?”
38 years and counting. Hard to believe, eh?
Click here to read an ode to my better half
We truly are from different planets! Your wife is lovely.
Thanks jane,
Kind words from a Vesuvian.
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