(I’ve got my sharp pencil ready - X - just in case).
After a recent interview in Niagara-on-the-Lake, however, PM Harper snuck over to a piano and plinked out Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones, a sure sign that he senses trouble is around the corner.

["Gimme Shelter - and a one and a..."]
(And here I thought he was more of a Hey You, Get Offa My Cloud type of guy).
Maybe he worries that Canadians have good memories.
Maybe he is worried about Liberal gains in Ontario and Quebec.
Whatever the case, his choice of tunes suggests he smells trouble.
I smell something. Do you?
I wonder about the timing. It just seems either too late or too early if we have an election call in the next few weeks.
And more and more I'm coming to think that it doesn't matter who's in power: they're all in the pockets of big business and the banks anyway.
Hi Theresa,
A friend of mine, Federal MP in London, feels pretty sure there will be a Nov. election. However, anything can happen.
I sometimes think that economic crises create or do more for change than parliament, but i try to remain hopeful.
Hi Gord - the prospect of a Harper majority really frightens me, so I really hope that whenever we have the election, it doesn't turn out that way. If Harper can whip up a frenzy with his supporters like the neocons are doing in the US against Obama, I have a feeling Harper could win a majority this time. And he will pull out all the stops, since his leadership of the party is at stake this time, more than ever.
I try to remain hopeful, but it's hard, especially here in Alberta, frankly.
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