I was traveling through the province of Quebec in June and learned something interesting there about my favourite Tim Horton’s do-nut, the Canadian Maple. At least, I thought it was interesting. Very.
I forgot about the illuminating Tim Bit of information until this morning.
While reviewing photos of a trip my wife and I took to Fenelon Falls last week, I came across this one:
Mmmmm. My fav.
Warm. Succulent. Filled with creamy goodness. Covered with real Canadian Maple icing. Zero calories.
And called the Canadian Maple do-nut in Fenelon Falls, Ontario and elsewhere across this great nation of ours, i.e., in cities, towns and villages in all provinces from the Atlantic to the Pacific - with one notable and interesting exception that I now know of.
About the photo. When I made a 5 minute pit-stop in Fenelon Falls last week, and bought my favourite do-nut, I uncharacteristically took a picture of it because it reminded me of the fact that it isn’t called the Canadian Maple in Tim Horton’s coffee shops in the province of Quebec. No kidding.
(My wife rolled her eyes when I told her the rest of this true story).
Guess what it’s called.
* Insert theme song from Jeopardy here.
Give up?
In Quebec my favourite do-nut is called Erable du Boston.
Really. Same icing, same filling, same shape and size. On a tray right beside Creme du Boston.
I was aghast after I learned this. What? Quebec gets their Canadian Maple donuts from Boston? Is something afoot I'm unaware of?
I’m still aghast and I don’t get aghast easily.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Why can’t the Canadian Maple be called by the same name across our fair, fair land?
Erable du Boston?
I’m still aghast.
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