Friday, July 23, 2010

Rainy Day Money

I recently read that 'we feel better when we have money saved up, but many Canadians aren't saving anything.'

Are you one of those people who doesn't save money for the future? You have no 'rainy day money' on hand?

Along with me (read earlier post below), start trying to put aside $10 per week for the next year. I'm sure it will become a habit and the amount will increase once you get used to living without the $40 per month ypu're stuffing into a recycled peanut butter jar.

I've learned that province by province in Canada, the percentage of people willing to change their spending habits to save money is quite high (in my opinion).

From 78% in Quebec to 90% in Atlantic Canada. Ontario, my home province, comes in at 84%.

So, if you start saving a bit of rainy day money, you may find that you're not alone.


$10 per week is the same as $1.43 per day.

How much is a cup of coffee? A small bag of chips?


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