She's enjoying her grand-daughters.
She's enjoying a cool breeze off the lake.
She's enjoying having her family around her.
She's happy I was once a Boy Scout and learned one camping rule very well, i.e., leave the campsite neater than you found it.
I apply that rule to visits with my oldest son's family in Fenelon Falls.
After I wake up I make my bed. After I brush my teeth I put the toothpaste away. After I make toast and dirty a dish I shake the crumbs out of the toaster and wash the dishes. If a full scale inspection of the house was done no one would even know I was there. My wife likes that about me.
Today, after my younger son arrived I slipped outside so the boys and their wives could connect. Again, I was almost completely invisible.
["What a great view from the quiet upper deck": photo GH]
Yes, almost.
"Where's Dad?" I overheard my youngest son ask.
"I'm not sure," said my oldest son.
"Did he go out for breakfast?"
"He might have. I don't see any dirty dishes," said the oldest.
"Will he be here for supper?"
"He doesn't usually miss supper. And he does all the dishes too."
"Hey," said my youngest. "Two bottles of Lancaster Bomber are missing from the beer fridge. Did you take them?"
["If I open it quietly, will anyone notice?"]
"No," said my oldest. "Dad must be close by then."
Drat. My Scout's habit of leaving the fridge cleaner than I found it gives me away sometimes.
However, if I stay quiet and rinse out my glass, my wife doesn't complain about that. She just enjoys her snap vacation.
I'm sure you are enjoying the beautiful twin girls..say hi to everyone from us..this heat wave is a the pool 3 or 4 times a day just to survive..even go in after 9 p.m. the part about the holiday for the wive's benefit goes down the tubes when you start sneaking the beer out of the refrig..ha, ha. L.Dee
hi lannie,
we're like you and Jim, in and out of the water many times to cool off. at least up here we don't stick to the darn chairs as in london.
keep well!
ps don't tell pat I'm sneeking beer.
Hi Gord: I'll never tell..I like to sneak a few myself, of the Keith variety..thankfully we had rain in the night and part of this morning..the plants, garden was parched as we's a wee bit cooler to all L.Dee (hey Pat!) give the twins a kiss from us..
hi lannie,
big storm last night and a bit of leftover rain this morning has cooled us all off.
we went to Bobcaygeon for a treat and have relaxed all afternoon w Ollie and the twins entertaining us all.
hope to see you soon.
gord and pat
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