It’s because I live in SW Ontario and I’m pretty sure the economy seems to be stuck in Nowheres-Ville until further notice from the US of A.

["Save your money. Pay down debt."]
This from an article entitled ‘U.S. recovery crucial to SW Ontario’:
“What really matters to this regional economy (SW Ontario, or ‘my’ economy) is whether the U.S. recovery sticks and holds.” (June 14, London Free Press)
["Try to be more self-reliant": photo GH]
SW ontario was hit hard by the last recession, the US economy is gearing back to a more modest pace, and President Obama supports more stimulus for the economy than PM Harper.
Who will win? Pres. Obama.
Who will follow? PM Harper.
Who will make the best effort to have the best sound bites?
It will be a tie.
Which political leader is worried most about a double dip recession, i.e., what comes around because of an unsustainable economy will come around again?
Pres. Obama. His fellow countrymen have more excessively wasteful Dodge Rams per capita than Harper’s.
Last question.
As the US grows more austere because of a faltering economy, will SW Ontario? Will Canada?
Hmmm. Because the US is our most important trading partner I’d have to say ‘yes.’
This is a very good time to reduce spending, pay down debt and save money for the tough times ahead.
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