Though crops in our area would be of secondary interest.
After all, most health-minded people can only look at so much corn and soy for the beef industry, here and abroad, before thinking that growing fruit and vegetables for human consumption might be better for us - in our size hefty Levis - and our land. Sorry, I digress.
I’d drive the bus to Port Bruce so you could see this contraption out your window.
[“Know what it is? No, it’s not a midway ride”: photos GH]
Then I’d say, “Do you have any idea what that is behind Mr. Cahill’s trailer?”
If nobody raised their hand or blurted out ‘I do, I do’ then I’d tell you what it is.
It’s a purple martin community made from plastic construction helmets. And the colourful doodads on top are part of an air circulation system designed by Mr. Cahill.
[“Oblong entrances keep out the starlings, so I’m told”]
Then I’d shuffle you off the bus like so many tourists and point out purple martins on telephone wires and in the air as they wait for us to stand still so they can resume feeding their first or second broods.
[“Purple martins are nervous birds but do pose for photos”]
It’s an amazing sight.
I should rent a bus.
Is ten bucks too much for a bus trip to Port Bruce?
What if I threw in coffee at the Sand Kastle?
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