City life is darn hot. And maybe not as healthy as living beside water.
A week-ago Sunday my wife and I drove to Port Burwell and I asked myself: Would I like to live there and enjoy fresh breezes from the lake?
["This sea captain watches for trouble in the Port Burwell harbour": photos GH]
["My wife says the only cottage I can afford looks a bit small"]
["However, she did enjoy the cooling water and colourful view"]
["Maybe I could tap into a cheap power source and save for a bigger cottage"]
["Oh yeh, I could live in Port Burwell."]
If we get another heat wave this summer - and I think we will - many of us may think about wanting to do more than just run through the sprinkler.
Do you dream about living near a lake for the sake of your health?
Hi Gord: Finally some pictures of Pat on your blog..long overdue..she is looking more like her mother everyday..I dare not say who the guy standing in the right hand corner under the windmills reminds me of! But he is still losing weight riding his bike..You are fortunate you can jump on your bike and go to all those nice beaches..I like the fish and chips at Port Dover, the restaurant on the L.Dee
Hi Lannie,
Pat doesn't like appearing on my blog - too shy.
Hey, I am losing weight. It's because of my love for hockey. I ride my exercise bike so my legs are strong enough to keep up with the fastest guy on the other team. So far, I have him scratching his head.
I don't actually head toward the beach... my bike does. It knows me so well!!
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