(Please click here to visit with the Rawcliffes and see a few of Mr. R.’s birdhouses)
["The old channel is still used by fishermen"]
And a few minutes after crossing the narrow causeway to the point I turned down my favourite street, Fourth St.
["I'm familiar with one of these boathouses. Which one?"]
Gord Bucholtz, a friend of my dad’s, once owned a cottage there. A few steps from its front door sat Gord’s old boat house.
What a thrill it was to hop onto Gord’s boat, slowly exit the narrow channels and drop lines in Long Point Bay (opposite Port Rowan) or enter Lake Erie and fish for green bass 14 - 20 inches long.
["A young boy fished nearby while I took photos"]
Another Gord, Mr. Powell, took his son and I water skiing and trolling for bass in the same area in the 1960’s, so Long Point is home to many fond memories.
Port Stanley, Port Bruce, Port Burwell, Sandhills, Long Point, Turkey Point, Port Dover.
Are any of these places home to memories for you?
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