I was totally impressed with two things he showed me:
- A birdhouse with interior ladder, to help fledglings leave the nest. I’ve seen other forms of assists, but not a full ladder. So cool - and helpful.
["Get up that ladder, Jimmy. And be home in time for supper": photos GH]
- A metal highway sign for Number 59, formerly a part of the King’s highway system. (King George or Edward?) I hadn’t seen one with a crown since I was a kid.
["Very rare, in my opinion"]
I looked for crowned signs a few years ago while motorcycling the full length of 59, i.e. from Tavistock (official start - 1 km. north of the town center) to Long Point (official end- either at the salad bar of the new and improved Causeway Restaurant or at the turn around near Long Point Prov. Park).
No crowned signs exist on the highway anymore, only cheap county road signs with no glamour or connection to royalty whatsoever.
Some changes are disappointing.
And when I asked if I could buy the sign I was told to get in line. Stink!! (But, in the near future, I’m going to ask if $200 will move me to the head of that line!)
Maybe I can sweeten the deal by contributing some solid cedar birdhouses to the fellow’s bluebird trail.
["Seven more to go for my a big sale in June"]
Ladders not included.
Has a highway through your hometown suffered the same fate, i.e., a royal demotion?
Been thrown out of the castle yourself?
1 comment:
Greetings. I edit a magazine, Prime Number Magazine, and I am interested in using your photo above for the cover of issue 59. Would you give us permission?
Please let me know at Editors@Primenumbermagazine.com
you can check out the magazine at http://www.primenumbermagazine.com
Thank you,
Cliff Garstang
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