First - unfriendly bylaws.
In what may be the last story the Free Press will carry re the great chicken debate (“Can we have backyard coops? Can we not?”) until fall, when info re bylaws in other cities will be presented, I read the following line:
“Council was told by city solicitor Jim Barber zoning and animal control bylaws would prevent a pilot program.”

["We're singin' the blues. But - where's Gord?"]
Though other Canadian cities allow backyard coops, our city cannot because we have certain bylaws.
And, of course, we follow all bylaws all the time. (Except maybe where developers are concerned; cf current Wortley Village luxury condo project).
So, if citizens of Deforest City desire to step back from heavily-industrialized and fertilized and fossil-fuel powered agribusiness and buy and eat locally, bylaws stand in the way of reasonable projects to help us with that desire.
I’m feeling the blues.
More to follow.
Oh yeah. We’ve dropped the egg on this one.
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