Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zoom w a View: Where did that cat come from?

After yesterday’s motorcycle ride (the last of 2010?) I headed to the workshop with camera in hand.

Though I had ‘photos of birdhouses’ in mind, I stopped for a few seconds because the sun’s last rays were striking the potted fern on the back deck at an interesting angle.

["Untouched photo": photos GH]

I clicked the camera, heard a noise behind me and jumped.

Where did that cat come from? I asked myself.

["Untouched cat (so far), For Sale"]

"Go on, get out of here," I said.

Between the cat and neighbourhood squirrels, no wonder the birds have a hard time settling down on my two feeders.



Cat for sale. Likes to sleep on my deck.

Comes with bag of squirrels.


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