Much of the media and human population can’t focus on anything else.
I think one of the reasons we focus on the economy rather than more essential matters is because we’re better with numbers and mathematics than cause and effect relationships and earth sciences.

We more easily talk about the number of jobs lost in the automotive industry than how fossil-fuel dependent machines and transit systems affect our long-term health and welfare of the planet.
We can talk about how much money the plastics industry contributes to an individual worker or local economy until we’re blue in the face but not about whether we should be so dependent on such a toxic product.
Money, bank accounts, balance sheets take precedence over air, water, land, health, future generations.
Production, GDP, finance departments get more attention than sustainable lifestyles and long-needed reparations to the environment.
Perhaps if we dialed our economy and ceaseless production back a bit, spent less time consuming countless goods related to our idea of a perfect lifestyle we’d have time to think about more important matters.
What are the important matters?
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