After coffee at the New Sarum Diner yesterday I turned to my friend Reg and asked, “Do you have time for one last look at the beach before winter?”
“Maybe another time,” he said.
A recent operation has knocked him back a step or two so I didn’t press it.
It’s an easy drive to Burwell and back from our homes in Old South (London) and next spring I’ll get him to the beach and drive past the 30 or more majestic wind turbines along the shore road.
I’d like to see more of them as well.
[I'm one of many not bothered by turbines: photo GAH]
If the province could one day supply up to 20 per cent of our hydro with turbines and sell some of the excess power to other provinces or the US it would help us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and pay for a bit of much needed infrastructure at the same time.
Playing with fossil fuels is a fool’s game and I’m not all that keen on nuclear power due to the unmanageable waste it produces.
And if we could build our own turbines our sagging and auto-dependent economy might get a much needed boost as well.
YES! YES! YES! I couldn't agree more! They are talking about putting turbines on Lake Erie in Cleveland but there's always some nuts who don't want their 'boating experience' reduced. Come on!
Great post! Beautiful beach, turbines and all!
Oh, btw, I also agree with your post regarding nuclear power. We can't even figure out what to do with the waste we have now, and our reactors are on the verge of leaking...and they want to build more? For God's sake, they can't even take care of the ones we already have! Duh.
thanks for the visit, sheila. turbines always catch my eye and they can plant as many as they want along the shoreline. we'll still be able to enjoy the beach and a quick swim.
gord h.
An acquaintance on a British Expat forum says this about wind farms and I'm curious now:
Does anyone live near any of these 400ft beasts?
"They are proposing to have nearly 300 of them here in PEC and from all I have seen / read am against them - not to meantion that many of these companies sell off there carbon credits to non "green" companies which in my mind defeats the whole object."
Are the wind turbines noisy?
hi jesse,
i'm most familiar with the 66 turbines on Nova Scotia Line, east of Copenhagen (a wee hamlet south of Aylmer) toward and beyond Port Burwell.
They seem to be in the middle of farmers fields and closer to the water's edge than human habitation. I think they have to be a certain distance from an occupied dwelling but I don't know that distance.
there is an information centre (octagonal building) 1 mile west of burwell, and 200 metres from the centre is a turbine you can stand under. They are almost silent.
If you're thinking 'field trip' i can give you better directions.
gord h.
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