For those not in a hurry the mill pond, now that the mill is gone, is a perfect spot to view scenes that are only affected by the guiding hand of nature.
Oak and maples line the shoreline and leaves line the bottom of the pond.
Want directions to the pond and a spot where you may catch sight of a bald eagle fishing the Thames River?
Call me - quietly.
[See more photos in post directly below]
1 comment:
Amazing. I was just at a similar site here in Raleigh last Saturday for a brief moment or two. Lassiter Mill is no longer a mill... the mill itself has been gone for years. But the mill pond/run is still there. When I was in high school, it was popular with kids my age for ... doing what kids that age did back then. But a few years after that the city decided to move in and clean up and preserve and next thing you know it had become a sort of park with its very own subdivision grown up around it like a crop of pernicious weeds.
I hadn't stopped there in quite some while, but I did last Saturday. It's a little disappointing to see the result of "progress" there. Sure the houses are nice ones and the mill run is still basically intact, but the footprint is still there nonetheless. It felt sort of like seeing an old girlfriend turned trophy wife. Nice to see her doing well, but a little sad all the same.
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