I needed to stretch my legs, let the blood flow through my butt cheeks, sip a bit of coffee and make a phone call.
“Hi, Shelley. It’s Gord,” I said.
“Are you all right?” she asked.
“I’m fine, thanks. Thought I’d call and let you know my arrival time. I should be at your house in about an hour.”
“We’ll have the barbeque ready,” she said.
“Great. See you soon.”
The thought of a fat burger made me hungry. After leaving London in the late morning I'd only stopped one other time, near Orangeville, for a short lunch break.
So I didn’t sit at the picnic table for long.
I wrote a few notes about the day’s journey, took a few pictures and got back onto the Suzuki.
Sixty minutes later I was resting on a dock in Fenelon Falls with a cold beer in my hand.
While burgers cooked on a nearby grill I watched Shelley as she watched several swimmers just a few feet from where she was sitting.
“Newmarket not bad traffic-wise”
“drove through tiny Baldwin again - elderberry capital of the universe”
“bike runs so well, 650cc enough for this type of trip”
Do you have photographs from a recent vacation? I'd like to see them.
I enjoyed your vacation very much. Haven't had one myself for about 3 years now.
you're overdue. i'll lend you the motorcycle if you want.
gord h.
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