A 30-minute tea break on a boulder beach (near Wiarton) that seemed to fill two hours, small bits of frozen dark chocolate, cutting my own hair and listening to music at the push of a button.
And now for the news:
Pro sports feeling pinch of downturn.
Did you know that? No?
It’s true. I read it in the newspaper a few nights ago and saved the clipping after reading the paper from front to back. (I may write a future column about the topic).
[From clippings to columns, I like a newspaper]
Anyone else out there read an entire daily paper from cover to cover, not just out of habit, not just to get your money’s worth (though in my family that aspect of life has always been very important and as a result I wear the same shirt several days in a row and not throw out old underwear until the elastic is completely dead or the pair has been used to clean paint brushes), but because it’s an integral and important part of one’s routine?
I know newspapers aren’t filled with much good news these days but they serve many important purposes in my opinion.
Is your nose stuck in the paper for an hour or more each day? Do tell.
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