‘Til two in the afternoon is fine with me.
It’s also Buy Nothing Day, celebrated shortly after the US Thanksgiving so people who can’t stand up without a head rush (turkey gravy does it to me every time) have a chance to recover.

[Old poster, same goal]
Wikipedia informs me it was founded by Vancouver artist Ted Dave “as a day for society to examine the issue of over-consumption.”
Adbusters magazine states that it “isn’t just about changing your habits for one day but about starting a lasting lifestyle commitment to consuming less and producing less waste.”
That’s not a bad goal to think about one day per year.
And sorry about the head rush thingy.
I love this poster!
Somewhere in Long Island there's a family thinking, "Too bad they couldn't have scheduled this a day earlier." Then again, it might have only postponed the inevitable.
Do you sense a rant coming on? (Oh yes you do.)
you have me thinking, mojo.
BN Day does postpone rather than change people's plans, myself included I'm afraid. Unless I sand a seven-foot length of B.C. cedar by hand. Perhaps the new mantelpiece will seem more significant if I skip the trip for sand paper and just do it myself.
I'm thinking...
cheers, gord h.
Good rant mojo! What an awful story.
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