Any mall? For anything - as long as it’s something and it looks and smells new?
I guess addiction is not too strong a word then.

From A Sacred Balance by David Suzuki (see Read This in right margin):
“As Paul Wachtel put it: Having more and newer things each year has become not just something we want but something we need. The idea of more, of ever increasing wealth, has become the center of our identity and our security, and we are caught up by it as the addict by his drugs.”
The idea of more is an empty promise.
Live small.
The Kraft dinner magazine arrived some days ago and there was a section of quick meals for when "you're all malled out". I don't plan to use any of the recipies from there and I'm definitely not "malled out".
I must admit, I live across the park from WHite Oaks Mall and maybe once a week I'll wobble over there after dropping off Small Boy at school and let the Toddler Girl run about before going for a coffee (with my own mug of course, I'm so smug) Since my own "live small" epiphanies, I'm finding it very easy to keep from going into the shops.
I guess I'm the odd ball. I hate malls. I hate shopping in general. And at my age, I'm really not very concerned with wearing the latest fashions. Comfort is more important, an old is comfortable.
hi Jesse,
doll house in underway, with attic storage.
Kraft has recipes in case you're malled out? good one. must be an epidemic.
time to grab my mug and march through he snow to the Roaster.
gord h.
great line. bobbie - "Comfort is more important, and old is comfortable."
i have an old shirt on and am getting ready for coffee time with a friend. friendship doesn't worry about fashion.
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