The first thing I did (my gosh, a brilliant idea) - and everyone should carefully follow my example - was review my goals for 2009, to not only evaluate how I did (it's only fair), but see if there was any chance I could just continue on doing some of the same things in 2010 and not strain my brain too badly.
The second thing: I added one or two new items in order to strain the brain a bit.
Though the following list is under construction (and in side margin) it now contains a few of my goals for the current year.
1. No New Clothing
For the second year in a row...
I will buy no new clothes
2. Victory Garden
2009 was a bad year for my Victory Garden, however...
I will plant a garden in Spring 2010 and call it a 'Worthy Attempt Plot'
3. Bicycle
I will ride my used but lovely Miele bicycle on crowded city streets until I bend or break a rim
["Birdhouse by unknown maker, on way to Port Bruce": photo GAH]
4. Vacation
I will walk to Port Bruce (65 km.) and push my gear in a baby-jogger. I just need one week of good weather.
5. re Preserving Food
I will hang onto my used canning gear and put up beans and tomatoes if my 'worthy attempt plot' produces sufficient quantities of produce
6. Solar Cooker
I will build a solar oven out of recycled materials, including a bulky wool sweater for insulation.
["A GH model behind New Sarum Diner": photo GAH]
7. Birdhouses
I will attempt to build 3 - 4 dozen birdhouses from rescued lumber, photograph them all and bore readers to death with all the brilliant details
8. Haiti Relief
I will make two financial donations to the Red Cross (for Haiti relief) and work hard to repay my savings account by reducing restaurant meals and increasing meatless meals.
So far, so good, but the year is young.
I want to add a goal re exercise but will think about how best to frame it and get back.
Do you keep lists of resolutions? Do they help keep you on track?
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