Ran into an ex-student of yours .... that would be Black ... Jet Black that is!

He remembered you fondly ... especially your Oakland Athletics team shirt that you wore quite frequently.
He is a police officer currently assigned to the Olympics.
I wrote back saying Jet has me confused with a serious A’s fan.
["Sorry, Jet. I usually dressed like this": GAH circa 1969]
I did wear shirts with logos during my career. More likely a Leafs or Black Hawks jersey. I did have a baseball type jersey years ago, but can’t recall the team. Not likely the A's.
How could I forget a name like Jet Black? However, if he got me tickets to the Olympics I’d remember quickly, I bet.
“Tickets for me? Jet, you were always such a great kid,” I’d say, without missing a beat.
Dear Jet. Send me tickets and I’ll give you an A+. Mr. Harrison
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