It’s about time.
We went from 12 inches of snow cover in London to one during ‘the January thaw,’ which is a distressing matter for those like me who appreciate blankets of snow into March and think that global warming is the pits, especially in the winter.
["We'll take a bit of snow over nothing": photos GAH]
While this London isn’t getting enough snow, the other London is getting too much at times.
Yup, things on the weather and climate front are getting more out of whack by the month.
["My grassy path to The Annex is still visible today"]
This just in:
Mexico City, one of the world’s largest cities at 20 million population, has long struggled with a lack of water but the crisis worsened in 2009 due to drought.
(So, write Mexico City under California and Australia and other well-known places around the globe suffering from water shortages).
The drought was so bad Mexico City sucked Lake Avandaro half-dry, put the quaint village of Valle de Bravo in jeopardy as a popular weekend vacation spot for the rich and caused water skiers and boaters to dodge rocks as the lake level dropped to half its volume.
Prediction: London will receive a bit more snow this week and we’ll all do more about combatting climate change after more of us smack our speed boats on the rocks in the Great Lakes.
Are you still shovelling snow?
Where do you live?
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