["Hey, buddy? Where's my buddy?": photos GAH]
By mid-afternoon city streets were becoming hazardous and the odd aggressive driver just made things worse.
Underline odd if you’re the guy who sat on my bumper on Adelaide St. May I just add, in the words made famous by Carla from Cheers, “What a maroon!”
(In snowy conditions, drive more slowly. Then I'll stop calling you a maroon).
As you can see from today’s snaps, motorcycling is out of the question and a buddy system is needed if you like to play in the drifts.
["Six inches is over my head but I'm still smiling!"]
Also, I estimate I have 6 inches of snow on the deck, and that’s about halfway to the blanket I feel we need to keep our plants and health in tip top shape.
Yesterday I forgot to say Happy New Year.
So, Happy New Year!
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