["No squirrels, no birds": photos GAH]
I keep it 6 feet above the ground and 6 - 7 feet away from any launch sites (from a squirrel’s point-of-view), i.e., clothesline support pole, pile of snow or lumber, plastic lawn chairs I forgot to put away last fall etc.
"No squirrel traffic on the fence rails either"]
As well, birds haven’t disturbed my feeder - which fills me with chagrin (a word I tend to overuse at times).
Though birds are clever too (as clever as squirrels?), perhaps they can’t see it from the air because of the snowy cap it wears. Perhaps I need to scatter more seed on the ground to provide a clue that more food is nearby.
I’ll shovel the deck, uncover the seed from previous scatterings and add to the mix.
Let’s see what happens. I’ll keep my camera handy.
Is your bird feeder getting traffic?
Any secrets?
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