I’ll take more money next time. I saw one I want to buy for sentimental reasons.
One reason - I spent many long hours working in tobacco fields as a teen and old kilns are disappearing faster than 30 in. waist Levis in boomers’ closets.
["Peterson houses on a fence behind the birdhouse warehouse": photos GH]
Another - the birdhouse builder is an easy talker, e.g., about birdhouse building.
“I build ‘em as a retirement hobby,” he said.
“Me too,” I said. “It puts gas in my motorcycle.”
“It helps me pay my alimony,” he shot back, quick as a wink.
I couldn't help it. I laughed right out loud. (He didn't disapprove!)
But the best reason to go back came to mind during another brief exchange.
He said, “I have some active bluebird houses on the back fence.”
I’ll go back to watch for bluebirds.
Then he said, “I still have 90 - 95 bluebird houses around the county.”
“You might know my dad then,” I said. “He had scores of them on fence posts near here, in Oxford County.”
Yes, he knew my dad. With his white waves of hair, he even reminded me of my dad.
So, I’ll go back to talk more about how he knew my dad.
Life gets more interesting with each passing day, does it not?
The last person I spoke to recently who knew my dad was a birdhouse builder as well, and still living in my first childhood home.
Small world.
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