Not only are many expenses going north (collect the whole set!) but there are signs that the global economy is going south.
One result - those that are bitten turn a bit snarky. (And snarky is worse that starkers in may ways, isn’t it? Just asking).
One thing for certain that is going $$South is home ownership.
Another is Greece. Whoops! It’s so slippery.
["Get ready for a lot of company, Pee Wee"]
Could the North American economy be the next thing that goes south?
After all, according to recent news, the following bad economic signs are evident:
Home foreclosures are reaching record highs again
Jobless claims are rising
Core retail sales are falling
And, because the Canadian economy is strongly reliant on the US economy, if the US economy goes south so does Canada’s.
Isn’t that exciting news?
It gives a whole new meaning to “let’s go south for the winter, Edith.”
I should start listening to cheerful music every morning.
You hip? Any suggestions?
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