You may love wind turbines, you may hate them, you may say they are beautiful or you may say they obscure the view.
The photos say (the first three taken Sunday, west of Port Burwell, just across Lake Erie from Ohio Valley), if it’s a hazy day they don’t obscure the view at all.
On many days the haze obscures the view.
And what causes the haze?
I’d say this: In part, the haze is produced by coal-fired energy plants in the Ohio Valley and oil refineries in Toledo.
["Can you spot 30 - 40 turbines east of Port Bruce?": photos 2010 GH]
The more fossil fuels we burn, the more wind turbines look like a great idea.
If you say turbines obscure the view you are not alone.
In the long-term, however, are turbines one of the healthiest and cheapest ways to produce energy to meet our growing demands?
I think the turbines are absolutely beautiful to watch and are probably a step in the right direction. There are proposed wind turbine projects all around us and it's causing quite a stir. My concern is the set-backs. Because of the shorter distances between concession roads, the developers are allowed shorter distances between towers and 'life' (750m rather than 1.5km, I believe). If there are no potential health problems and the landowner is willing, then put them in. I think we all need some good information that's not provided by the wind companies and the government. Just my two cents.
and a good two cents worth it is, Liz.
public education can only help with turbines and solar projects.
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