After all, his country just suffered through a two-month heat wave, Russia’s worst on record. (Click here for more details and link to full article).
Though Putin will likely do little to reduce his country’s greenhouse gas emissions (Russia was the fourth biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in 2009, according to energy firm BP) if he revisits the Samoilovsky island station on a regular basis he’ll get a first-hand glimpse of the costly changes related to global warming and his own desire to drive the Russian economy on the back of cheap fossil fuel.

["Melting permafrost": Please link to photo site]
His island station scientists (who began studying the melting Siberian permafrost in 1998) will likely be able to tell him that “the melting Siberian permafrost - which stretches up to 1.5 km into the ground - will accelerate the global warming process further, as huge quantities of methane gas are released into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
First hand evidence may open his eyes.
Putin once joked that, because of global warming, Russians would have to buy fewer fur coats.
Was he high on methane at the time?
It is unfortunate that you feel your one sided and limited thought process leads you to believe that global warming is only caused by climate change due to the industrialization of our planet's inhabitants. One might consider it is foolish to believe that when one builds a home ON PERMAFROST and continuously HEATS IT, the heat will have no effect on the underlying ground. One also might consider that homes degrade and decompose just like any other substance.
Try again.
Anonymous. It is unfortunate that you feel your one-sided and limited thought process leads you to believe I was saying "that global warming is only caused by climate change due to the industrialization of our planet's inhabitants." Try reading it again.
Anonymous. Your last sentence is a doozy. Simply take ten different items from your house, e.g., a cabbage, a ball point pen, a brick, an old hammer, a plastic milk jug, a dead battery, a broken appliance, a book, an old snow tire and rim, roof shingles. Put them in the back yard and watch them "degrade and decompose just like any other substance." Try again.
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