(‘Miscellaneous lumber;’ definition - scrap that is good for something - surely to goodness - but I’m not exactly sure what at the time of rescue)
So, while vacuuming dust bunnies the size of banana boxes and before settling into a last minute-y project I carried a few armloads of scrap to The Annex. (Yes, I have a second shed. Guess what it’s filled with).
["The GH model made from 3 in. high pieces of cedar": photos GH]
But before locking The Annex door for the day I noticed a nice piece of wood over in the far corner.
I wondered, what could that be?
It turned out to be a lovely remnant from a cedar fence post. And... there was a second remnant beside the first.
["The 3 in. model requires an interior skeleton for greater stability."]
I formed a plan.
Finish the project on my bench, then start another one (much like another recent birdhouse project), but cut and sand the lumber outside so that I don’t have to vacuum again for three months.
Surprise! I stuck to the plan.
It’s a wonder I saw the cedar fence posts.
The Annex is stuffed to the gills with misc. lumber.
I think I see more Rietveld chairs in my future.
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