This was even true after reading ‘The summer of discontent,’ a special report in Saturday’s London Free Press.
(I might feel differently when I begin to age two days at a time).
It may be the summer of discontent for many people because, as the report says, “Londoners are getting downright angry about successive waves of attacks on their wallets.”
The HST, the hike in hydro rates, gas, food. Wow! So many things are going north $$! Even the temperature. But mostly household expenses.
Some people are at the end of their wits. The newspaper offered comments from 19 readers and several were peppered with exclamation points and strident questions.
["is there a secret to clear sailing?": photo GH]
One person wrote, “HST, plus water, hydro and gas, food, higher property taxes - what else is going up??? We pay and pay when getting less and less. Moving out of the city seems to be the answer.” (Pete, July 31, London Free Press)
Marc said, “Hoping people will conserve through higher rates is idiocy. The people who will be “conserving” because of these higher prices are the same people already conserving, not for the environment but because they have no money!!!”
Another said, “Is there going to be anyone left in Ontario that has money to buy anything?” (Tired of High Taxes)
And the last comment read, “We have to do something about this, but what? Does anyone have any suggestions other than griping? I’m open to suggestions.” (Dee)
Some people are at the end of their wits.
Some raise very good questions that deserve an answer.
E.g., “What else is going up?”
How would you respond?
I’d say, apparently, just about everything, including items outside household expenses that will one day affect how we live as well, i.e, Canada’s debt, Ontario’s debt, municipal expenses and interest rates.
Hmmm... I didn’t make things any better, did I?
Maybe later.
Link to Series: Please click here to read Discontent Pt 3
Are you at wits end?
Are higher rates idiocy?
Will you survive?
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