Speaking of good times, my lovely wife slipped me 50 bucks yesterday to cover the significant cost of a significant lunch.
Oh, yes. She’s a keeper. And from her point of view, which I seldom understand yet continually forgive, I must be a keeper too. (But where will she keep me?)
[Aug. 8, 1970: “Dear, can you loan me 10 bucks for the tux?”]
24 hours later I look at the date and say, our 40th has come and gone. We are now entering our fifth decade together.
Fifth decade. Fifth.
We passed silver, toasted one another with one more expensive metal in mind (and ordered a new roof for the house) and are now heading for gold.
Catch us if you can.
My wife won’t stop saying ‘it feels longer than 40 years.’
I suppose I deserve that.
Sorry I ,missed your anniversary, esp. since it was such a milestone. wow, number 40! I can still remember the night in London when you told me you were getting married.. Congratulations to you both..it's extra special as the rest of us didn't make it that far.. Let's have a huge bash for your 50ieth..I'm sure PAT will loan you the money..some things never change..enjoy your blogs down memory lane to Burgessville etc..wish I could do that..love L.Dee and Jeem
Hi LD,
Yes, as long as I can get a loan, and remember the date, we'll have a big bash for number 50.
See you soon.
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