["Three martin houses, spotted on County Rd. 24": photos GH]
However, while riding to Pt. Bruce yesterday (yes, yet again), the thought dawned inside my little round head that, per capita, Pt. Bruce may have more birdhouses than any other place in - at the very least - Southern Ontario.
["Half-way down the hill at the entrance to Pt. Bruce"]
More than you can shake a stick at.
["Steps from the Pt. Bruce beach"]
Now, Southern Ontario is bounded by Toronto to the east, Windsor to the west and Greenoch Swamp to the north (at least according to my maps) so it’s a huge area - home to more swamps than worth mentioning here - and in all my years (I’d count them out aloud for you but it would take almost forever) I’ve never come across a spot with more birdhouses perched on poles, fence posts or tree limbs.
["This birdhouse is 90 miles from Cleveland"]
Or stumps or fence rails. Or tacked to a shed.
If you can prove me wrong you just go ahead and try.
Greenoch Swamp is a real place, about 50 km SW of Dornoch.
And, so I'm told, Dornoch is best known for the production of metal clappers that people attach to their front doors for when company comes.
Noch, noch.
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