Thursday, March 9, 2017

Port Bruce: Still Alive and Well (2).

Cold Hands, Warm Heart.

Some of my favourite views:

I shall return.... when my hands thaw out and the Corner View Cafe has the coffee brewing!

Please link to Port Bruce Still Alive and Well

Photos GH

Little Free Libraries, Progress Continues (3).

Thick Cedar Roofs.

Library Number 3 is underway as well.

A South London client will receive a 'little free library' soon after the order (for two) for a North London park is completed. I recently decided, since the saws and sanders were already set up and running smoothly, to work on the third at the same time.

And I should run out of room to move in the workshop by next Tuesday!! : )

Cedar roof panels are one inch thick, and after careful measurements and saw cuts (for the overlapping process), are ready for glue and nails.

Once the third roof is attached securely into place, I'll work on three doors.

Stay tuned.

Please link to Little Free Libraries, Well Underway (2).

Photos GH

Monday, March 6, 2017

Port Bruce: Still Alive and Well.

My First Lovely Visit in 2017.

Lonely too - just me and a gull.

Last year I visited Port Bruce over 4,000 times via motorcycle, just for coffee and a bit of peaceful scenery. (For those that are mathematically inclined, it sounds like I spent about $8,000 last year just on coffee! Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it).

Yesterday, in spite of a biting cold wind and high water (and the coffee shop was closed too!), I visited my favourite pier in the world to snap a few pictures. Just me and a gull got within sight of the end of it, what with all the splash.

Definitely worth the time. Won't be the last time you'll be seeing this pier in 2017. I'm going for 5,000 photos.

: )

Photos GH

Friday, March 3, 2017

Flexi-Weather is the Order of the Day.

Be Ready For Anything.

I prefer Walkn over Swimn.

I don't mind walking in snow. It's the "Bermuda shorts one week, long-johns the next" that I don't like.

More Photos From Along The Way:

Morse Codes says: "Don't let warm weather fool you. Stop. Winter is coming."

Please link to CRUISEN into Spring.

Photos GH

Little Free Libraries, Well Underway.

Getting Ready For a Rewarding Spring.

One Library ready for delivery, Another is underway.

Morse Code in the snow outside the workshop.
"Spring is coming soon, so get busy, Gord" 

Good thing I have a dependable heater inside the shop. The last few days have been kinda chilly and I hate using the table saw and sander when my hands are cold.

I find it is very difficult to change a saw blade in winter. Nuts, bolts, wrenches and blades are very cold to the touch and it's almost impossible to replace one blade with another. And when I sand lumber with cold fingers I cannot feel when my fingertips are skimming over the sandpaper (and losing skin) - until I wash my hands for supper! Eeeyouch!! 

That being said, during a warm spell I got a head start on a lengthy spring "to-do list" and good progress is being made on 'little community library' projects.

Two new libraries for a London park are on the move. 

 I keep to a strict script. The weather does not!

Just wait 'til you see the sturdy cedar roof and solid front door.

With a half-dozen birdhouses in the batter's box, and in spite of the snow, I'll soon be cutting strips of white pine for a front door and a stack of cedar for trim.

More to follow.

Please link to Upcoming Projects: Libraries and a Shadow Box.

Photos GH

Flexi-Weather, March 2017

From Unseasonably Warm to Something Else

Nature's Message to Me

I found Morse code on my back deck this morning. "You were spoiled by February's (I think the next word is 'unseasonably') warm weather. Stop. Tough.... now it's March."

OK. So I'll put away the shorts I was wearing last week.