Thursday, February 16, 2017

Photos From Along The Way (3).

2017, The Year of Flexi-Weather.

The snow comes and goes according to no man's schedule.

The weather has been more unpredictable than my choice of walking routes.

I usually just follow my nose, but, lately, I have headed north toward Harris and Gibbons Park, and Baldwin's Meadow (aka The Flats). Each day the weather (and subsequently, the footing) is different, from unseasonably mild, with damp trails, to cold and snowy and tough sledding.

Whatever the weather, I trudge toward a suitable turn-around point, then head back home, and snap a few pictures along the way so that - in a few years time - when I produce a book entitled "The GREAT Canadian Comeback", readers will be able to see London's excellent walking trails from every possible angle.

PHOTOS From Excellent Angles:

 Jude, walking with Frank and Foxy

I record my miles and try to complete one marathon per week

Please link to Photos From Along the Way (2).

Photos GH

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