Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Articles: British 8th Army Lands in Sicily, LIFE Magazine

Canadian Landing Craft Flotillas Are in The Thick of It

From August 2, 1943 Issue of LIFE Magazine, 10 Cents

Front cover - slightly modified at the whim of a Canadian Editor*


A LIFE magazine article and rare reconnaissance map appeared side by side at the "Allied Landings in Sicily 1943 Museum" and both my son and I were very happy to spot them. A few dozen photos were snapped and I am happy to say I now own a copy of the magazine and can share the article and map and a few other features that just happen to relate to the main focus of this blog/website/archive, i.e., the 950 - 1,000 Canadian sailors (including my father) who volunteered for the Combined Operations organization beginning in December, 1941.

A commemorative text from the museum in Catania, Sicily

The article relates to Operation HUSKY and the landings of General Montgomery's British Eighth Army on the eastern shores of Sicily beginning July 10, 1943. Accompanying the article (containing several fine, informative details) is a very rare, expansive U.S. reconnaissance photograph of the beaches served by the 80th and 81st Canadian Flotillas of Landing Craft (landing craft, mechanised, aka LCMs specifically). My father was a member of the 80th Flotilla and wrote extensively about "our worst invasion yet." 

Navy hammock bearing names of the members of the 80th Flotilla that
journeyed to Sicily together aboard  SS Silver Walnut, summer of 1943.
Available for viewing upon request at Navy Museum, Esquimalt BC

U.S. reconnaissance map as found in LIFE Magazine at the Landings Museum
HOW Sector was served by the 81st Flotilla. GEORGE by the 80th.

HOW Sector/Beach extended north to the Cassibile River

The article that accompanied the reconnaissance map now follows:

"But pill boxes exist in the area to this day (2023)" GH

LIFE Magazine article continues:

LIFE Magazine article continues:

A few more looks at HOW Sector, home of the 81st Canadian Flotilla of landing crafts from July 10 - early August, appear below:

Ghostly outlines of troop and supply ships appear off the shore of the
Red and Amber sections of HOW Sector (Gallina). Screen shot - GH

The following map revealing the location of HOW and GEORGE Sectors during Operation HUSKY is from a volume of WWII stories by RCNVR and Combined Operations veterans:

Labelled 'Most Secret', perhaps because of the locations of many Landing Ships, Tanks (LSTs), U.S. Liberty Ships (e.g., Mayo Brothers, Big Foot Wallace...), a hospital ship (HMHS Talamba), sunk in July, 1943, shortly after the invasion of Sicily, and more. Please click here to read more about the invasion of Sicily: Research: About a Trip to Sicily (1)

As mentioned earlier, I have included below early photographs from LIFE magazine of Italian POWs:

I am currently sharing newspaper clippings on this site (from The (Montreal) Gazette) and some pertain to the battle for Catania, as mentioned above in the LIFE magazine article. Click here to view Research: Three Months in the Mediterranean, 1943 (Part 14).

Please click the following link to read other articles about the invasion of Sicily, July 1943: Articles: Canadian Flotilla of Landing Craft in Italy (Parts 1 - 4)

*"at the whim of the Editor." I.e., the Editor of 1,000 Men, 1,000 Stories, of course!

Questions and comments, e.g., re the grottazze (aka 'The Savoy'), or memoirs re the cattle cave, etc., can be addressed to me at

Unattributed Photos GH 

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