Why? For fun and fitness. In my mind, they go together.
While I’m pedalling I’m also reading and turning pages. I recently read about several ships that sunk on the Great Lakes, including the Edmund Fitzgerald, 1975.
["Last week - 117.6 mi. NR (new record) - 375 extra miles. I'm almost svelte": photos GH]
["Roddy Doyle's book, A Star Called Henry, is done. Excellent. I highly recommend it to all. Above - the current lineup."]
No fun there, really, but the pedalling keeps me fit for hockey and that’s where some of the fun comes in.
For example, last week I sent my big slapshot wide of the net (w-i-d-e), but it went straight toward my winger and he almost redirected it past the goalie. I told folks I planned it that way.
Tomorrow we play on the big rink at Western Fair Grounds. Come on out. Our skill will amaze you. You’ll have some great laughs.
I know I will.
Please click here for more Fun and Fitness.
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