This year I enjoyed my first ride of the season last Saturday, April 30th. I wore the same blue jeans. I wore the same leather coat. I travelled to Sparta, then on to Port Bruce.
["Have these folks moved from the pier since last year?": photos GH]
["New paint job on a popular pit stop; same coffee."]
I started this season with 34,454 km. on my odometer (1994 1100cc Virago) and with gasoline at $1.37 per liter. At that price, I may be going on more short rides, like to Port Bruce, than long ones this year.
That’s fine by me. Small and beautiful pit stops abound within an hours ride of London. I may also use my Raleigh five-speed more regularly in search of London’s finest cup of coffee.
(Other beverages will come to mind as well, on hot days, and I’ll put a few more miles on my loafers.)
For now, I look forward to the next suitably mild day, i.e., ‘mild enough’ to take the tarp off the bike.
Please click here to see my last Motorcycle Miles entry from 2010.
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