Sunday, June 7, 2020

POTUS TRUMP: The ABCs and Significant NUMBERS (2)

ABCs and NUMBERS Tell a One-Sided Story

The ABCs:

TRUMP is the schoolyard BULLY with more mouth than muscle. 

Bunker Boy. Definitely a blustering bunker boy.

TRUMP is a BOOT-LICKER, asking for China's support to help win an American election.

TRUMP's BIGOTRY may lead to Biden winning the upcoming election. 

TRUMP is a BibleThumper, in that he holds up a Bible (with no intention of ever following its most straight-forward precepts, e.g., to love his neighbour as he loves himself) and thumps his chest.


110,000 deaths, on his shoulders. The numbers are an undercount, have no doubt.

1.9 million cases of COVID-19. The cases would be low, but Trump acted much too slow. 

149 days to Election Day (Tuesday, November 3, 2020). 

More of "The ABCs and Significant NUMBERS" to follow.

Image is FREE, and can be found online @ friendlystock (18 images, awesome!)

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