Thursday, August 29, 2024

Moderne Arte: The Continual Growth of Imperfect Ideas

The Way I See It, It Looks Pretty Colourful

(with Lots of Speckles : )

If I add a speckle near a line, then I have to go around it,
and it just grows from there. (An idea born in the 1960s!)


There were a lot of times my mind wandered while I was in high school Math class, or in Physics (just a few times), or in French (once or twice... okay, maybe every day), during History... regularly... and so on, on and on, many days, weeks, months and years in a row.

But I didn't dare stare out the windows (too easy to spot), or tap out and put my head down (to easy to get centred out), or talk to my neighbours, etc. So, what to do? I grabbed a pencil or pen and doodled, that's what. 

Not only did I came up with several ideas for doodling but I also saved some workbooks from the mid-1960s, and am now breathing new life into old ideas found here and there inside book covers.

And, just so you know, more 'moderne arte' may show up here at IT STRIKES ME FUNNY.

You've bin warned!

Please click here for more 'moderne arte' by this local arteeest : )

Photos GH

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