One relates to pensions. I.e., the state pension age will rise to 66 by 2010
I wrote that down and added, is Freedom 75 in the works?

It later dawned on me, some people might ask, what’s Freedom 75 mean?
Well, it’s a short phrase I coined at the time but it’s based on a retirement plan that many shoot for, i.e to experience freedom from work by age 55. I think an insurance or finance company actually promoted a plan called Freedom 55. I’m too old to remember exactly.
(I could Google it but I’m too lazy).
In light of what’s happening with the economy and pensions and retirement plans, Freedom 75 may become the new normal.
I suppose if that comes to pass for a lot of people I might be considered some kind of genius.
Already I’m sorry about that.
Really, officially, I AM sorry.
However, about two years ago, as North America was experiencing some of the darkest days of the recession, Nancy Gibbs wrote an essay in Time magazine entitled ‘Real Patriots Don’t Spend.’
She said, among a lot of other things, “We’ve had 10,000 years to absorb the truth that cultures that don’t value thrift ultimately flame out and die. Apparently that isn’t long enough to learn the lesson.” (Oct. 13, 2008)
So, I wasn’t the first to suggest we’re slow learners.
But maybe we’ll get wise pretty quick in the next few years.
Freedom 75 anyone? Anyone?
Old and disgruntled english folk could always chunnel on over to France and retire at 62.
I wonder how many pissed off 59 year old French peons there are at this moment??
Freedom 58 is looking better all the time:)
Is chunneling a word?
I'd chunnel if I was a Brit 'cause I like retirement so much, just to see if your idea would work.
Pensions are only one item, of course, out of hundreds that need to be looked at, possibly re-jigged. But if individuals and corporations resist ALL change, will anything change?
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