Hallowe’en Howl
It’s six-fifteen
and I hear a howl.
I walk to my door dressed as
an old man
wearing an old scowl.
“What!?” I ask,
more mock than shock.
“Trick or treat,”
a rapscallion screams
from behind
the cheapest mask
I’ve ever seen.

I tweak his nose.
“Betcha didn’t see that coming,”
I say, and the rapscallion
Then I drop a bag of chips
into his pillow case
and chase him
off my porch.
The boy behind the cheap mask
howls again,
putting my neighbours
on high alert.
They are ready,
and do the same as I,
as previously arranged.
It’s six-seventeen
and I hear a howl.
Nobody touch my jube jubes!
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